Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to the frequently asked questions about owning a VELUX Skylight Specialist business. If you want to know more, complete the form below, and let’s talk specifics for your market.

This varies from location to location, but we are not a franchise so there are no franchise fees. Let's get on a call to see if we can recommend and build a business plan for you and your goals.
This depends on what you have readily available, your level of experience in construction (although limited-to-no experience is needed to get started), and your plan to launch your business. The process involves vetting and making sure this is the right fit for you and the program. It will be important to have a thorough business plan and approach to make this venture a success. Once we determine, with the support of our local sales team, if the program is a good fit, the next step would be formal training and certification.
Since this isn't a franchise, there are no franchise fees. As for advertising fees, when you are a part of this partnership, you have a dedicated sector of our marketing team to help you with your local marketing efforts; this includes paid search advertisements. With a set budget required for paid search ads every month, we will deliver leads to your company's microsite. More leads, more business.
This number will depend greatly on your business plan, but we recommend starting small with one or two employees and growing as your business needs to develop.
We are looking for candidates who are entrepreneurs at heart, who possess an ideal mix of personal qualities and professional experience. While you may feel a construction background is necessary, we have a multitude of installers with different backgrounds and experience levels. Let's explore the opportunity together.
Depending again on your market and location, installed pricing of our products range from $750+ for a single Sun Tunnel skylight, replacement skylights start as low as $1,000, and new installation as low as $1,800. Keep in mind most projects involve two to three skylights installed, so the volume can quickly grow. You'll have a wide variety of products to offer your customers. So when you combine that number with your willingness to grow and expand your business - the more you invest, the more money you'll make. This is truly about your commitment to your business success.
Yes! All of our VELUX Skylight Specialists must go through certification training so that you know how to talk about products with consumers, as well as properly install our products. This is to ensure that over the product's lifetime it continues to give the customer a great experience. This training will be hands-on with a VELUX Representative.
Project time varies depending on product and application. Sun Tunnels provide fast installation time and can average as little as two hours per unit. With replacement skylights, many applications can be as quick as a Sun Tunnel, but others can be a little more involved - still completed in a half to a full day depending on quantity and project details. New Skylight Installations are more involved and tend to be multi-day projects depending on the process you have in place for interior finishing.
Yes, you will have a dedicated VELUX Representative who supports you and your business. VELUX will help you analyze your leads, discuss projects, join in consultations, provide ongoing sales and installation training, and general business plan advice.

Invest in your future

Let's Talk About This Opportunity

Fill out the form or call the Installed Sales Business Manager, David Zenns:


104 Ben Casey Drive
Fort Mill, SC 29708

© 2024 | VELUX Group